
Camera On: Wentworth Miller
Echoes of Thursday's meeting of the star series "Prison Break" Wentworth Miller fans heard so far. The actor took part in the event "Camera On", during which advocated, among others, about screenwriting and difficult beginnings of his acting career.                                                                                                                                                                         
Teacher Aaron Hillis started the meeting with questions about the life of aspiring actors in Los Angeles. Wentworth Miller admitted that he initially worked as an assistant producer, which consisted mainly of laying solitaire on the computer. Also shared with the audience persecuting him then doubt as to his chances of becoming an actor. But he decided to pursue his dream because he did not want after years of torment with the question, "What if ...?". The very first roles in the TV series "Buffy" and the miniseries "Dinotopia" taught him much, he could find himself in productions that use a large amount of special effects, and even play in the company of invisible dinosaurs.The greatest popularity brought Miller to the TV series "Prison Break," which at the same time proved to be an actor curse. For many years, he getting only roles involving imprisonment, getting out of jail or hitting the prison. Fearing pigeonhole, the actor rejected most of these roles, although it admits that the character played by him in the series "Resident Evil" is a wink to fans of the TV series "Prison Break."Wentworth Miller is not among the fans of comics, but even for him to work on the set of the TV series "The Flash" was a real challenge. In the formation played by his character, villain nicknamed Captain Cold, focused on his humanity, wanting to make it a figure of flesh and blood. He guided primarily by their sensitivity and commonly known principle that each of us has a character he loves to hate.Particularly inspiring was a part of the meeting devoted to scriptwriting career Wentworth Miller, who admitted that writing requires a lot of dedication. - Being a writer very isolating - he said. However, after a month of continuous work, the actor has managed to create a scenario for future Hollywood blockbuster "Stoker", which describes, saying: - This is not a movie with a message, but hiding a lot of entertainment under its surface.The audience showered the actor questions, many of which are related to recent refusal to participate in a Russian film festival, motivated mistreatment of LGBT people in this country. They also asked about Shakespeare, comic universes and the end of the TV series "Prison Break." The actor with great commitment answer questions fans delighted his freedom, peace and unique intellectual approach to acting that with the release of Wentworth Miller is not the mindless pursuit of fame.

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